Eternal Life?

Just to be clear, since I don’t believe in god(s) it stands that I also don’t believe in the afterlife either. This ahouldn;t be a strange concept to understand as an atheist, but for some, that declare themselves atheist, the answer becomes, not so sure.

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Surviving Atheism

The topic seems silly, doesn’t it? Surviving Atheism? This is the 21st century, isn’t it? Aren’t we a more tolerant, accepting species than we have been in even just a few decades past? I used to believe so but then I grew up watching The Jetsons, and was certain we’d all be in flying cars by this time. Here we are, in mostly he same old internal combustion engine driven vehicles and yes, trying to survive atheism.

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Atheism Doesn’t Add or Subtract From The Human Condition

I don’t think of atheism as a sword. In fact, I rarely talk about my non-belief, even in these pages. For me, atheism is a personal choice (as I’ve written before). just as personal as someone’s religious beliefs may be to them. Not sacred in any way, just personal. I don’t have a need to evangelize atheism as I think that any person of reason will eventually come to the same conclusion that I and millions of others around the world have come to: There are no god(s) looking out for us in this life and. although I cannot prove it, I doubt there’s anything after this life as well.

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Those Proud Antisemites

There was a time, not long ago actually, being painted with the brush of racism or antisemitism, was enough to not only destroy a person in any social context but could well ruin someone’s career. These were monikers not to want attached to oneself. Over time, though, the slap of racism became do common that it lost any meaning that it once had and in fact became more of a joke to those who were accused. For some, it was a badge of honor for real racists to accuse others of their own ignominious behavior. The brush of antisemitism has been different. Until now.

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